Mopars at Merits


Merit Pennington is the creative

genius behind the invitation-only

event Mopars at Merit’s. The annual

get-together is a private picnic/car

show held on the Saturday closest to

April 26 (in honor of Mopar’s 426

Hemi engine) at his residence. Those

invited include family and friends

who share the same love and

appreciation for classic antique

Mopar muscle cars.

Merit provides hamburgers, hotdogs,

soda & water and guests bring a

covered dish to share. All friends

with a Mopar are included in the car

show and all trophy winners are

picked by ‘people’s choice.’ The draw

of Mopars at Merit’s has steadily

increased every year.

Remember, this occasion is invitation

only…and yes, he has trolls manning

the gate.

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